Creative Business
Mr. Yasir I. Kashgari
Mr. Yaser I. Kashgari
Eng. Yasir Ibrahim Kashgari, born in 1973 in the United States of America. The grandson of Mr. Habibullah Kashgari; the leader of the old Uyghurs and Turkish Tribes in the Middle East. and The grandson of Mr. Hasan Sindi; the leader of some region in Yamen and the third man in the Military Of Defense in KSA during HRHP Sultan Bin Abdulaziz. Graduated with a bachelor degree in Communication Engineering and got a master degree in Business and Administration MBA. Product dealer for Friedr Herder, a German Co. The author was dominated to be a Minister at the Ministry Of Water and Electricity at Saudi Arabia, since 2014.
Great Vectory...
I have been tired working and with support of my several novelities and innovations ... and I have made several of these ideas at reality ... then I have been an author ... and I have my own business ... and this could be a great vectory at times... creative business...